Mount Vernon Public Library

28 South 1st Avenue

Mount Vernon, NY 10550

Library Reference Department Phone:

(914) 668-1840 ext 219 or220

We schedule appointments on Mondays and Wednesdays

10 AM to 2:30 PM

February 3rd through April 14th

The Library will be closed on Wednesday, Februrary 12th and Monday, February 17th

Space is limited. Please call the number above to schedule an appointment.

For further information please contact Doreen McQueen at

(914) 668-1840 ext 223 or by email at

Key documents you will need to bring to your appointment:

Here is a more complete description of the documents we use in preparing tax returns: Documents We Need

We prepare taxes for all individuals as long as their tax returns are within our scope. This document describes the returns we can and cannot handle.